F77 Kozu Demo font

By Se7enty-Se7en - E-mail: [email protected] at Jan 14, 2019

F77 Kozu Demo

F77 Kozu Demo

F77 Kozu Demo

F77 Kozu Demo

Created in Fontstruct...

The Demo is for Personal Use Only!!

To use the font commercially, you can buy a license here: (link not available yet)
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/845/15845/file/F77-Kozu-Demo.otf") format("woff"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/845/15845/file/F77-Kozu-Demo.otf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/845/15845/file/F77-Kozu-Demo.otf") format("truetype");
F77 Kozu Demo Regular