Ferpal font

By Silvia Fern at Oct 26, 2018




Ferpal Sans Font

Introducing a versatile contemporary font family, which is Ferpal Sans Font. Ferpal Sans was designed by Silvia Fernández Palomar. Ferpal is a typography designed for Madrid. From the lack of identity and homogeneity in the typographies of the city, I imagined how a typeface would unify this problem. Designed especially for signage, taking as reference the ceramic signs of the streets of Madrid and the patterns of design of typography for large applications, it is perfectly suited for graphic design applications ranging from editorial, corporate, web, interaction to product design

Thanks to Silvia Fernández Palomar. Ferpal Sans Font free for personal use only, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/933/13933/file/Ferpal-Regular.otf") format("woff"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/933/13933/file/Ferpal-Regular.otf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/f/933/13933/file/Ferpal-Regular.otf") format("truetype");
Ferpal Regular