Zolleha Demo font

By Pandanwangi 2020 at Jun 06, 2020

Zolleha Demo

Zolleha Demo

Zolleha Demo

Zolleha Demo

Zolleha Demo

Zolleha Script Font feels equally charming and elegant. This stunning script font is a stylish homage to classic calligraphy. It features a varying baseline, smooth lines, gorgeous glyphs and stunning alternates. It will elevate a wide range of design projects to the highest level, be it branding, headings, wedding designs, invitations, signatures, logos, labels, and much more!

5/5(2votes )

Zolleha Script Font feels equally charming and elegant. This stunning script font is a stylish homage to classic calligraphy. It features a varying

<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/z/702/19702/file/Zolleha-Demo.ttf") format("woff"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/z/702/19702/file/Zolleha-Demo.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://fontsme.com/wp-data/z/702/19702/file/Zolleha-Demo.ttf") format("truetype");
Zolleha Demo Regular